Ramallah, August 3, 2024: The head of the Colonization & Wall Resistance Commission (CWRC), Mu’ayyad Shaa’ban, declared that the Israeli occupation forces and their colonists carried out 1110 attacks in July 2024.He pointed out that the occupation forces carried out 914 attacks, while the colonizers carried out 196 attacks. Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out in the Commission’s monthly report on “violations of the Israeli occupation and colonizers in the occupied Palestine” that these violations were concentrated in Hebron Governorate, which witnessed 226 attacks, followed by Nablus Governorate, which witnessed 164 attacks, meanwhile, 143 attacks were recorded in Jerusalem Governorate. Mr. Shaa’ban also confirmed that these attacks included imposing facts on the ground (land confiscation and colonial expansion), field executions, vandalism, bulldozing lands, uprooting trees, seizing property, and setting up checkpoints that segregate Palestinian geography.

Due to Colonizers’ Attacks: facilities & vehicles were burnt and hundreds of trees were uprooted


Mr. Shaa’ban added that the colonizers' attacks were concentrated in Nablus Governorate which witnessed 58 attacks, followed by Hebron Governorate which witnessed 50 attacks, while 28 attacks were recorded in Ramallah Governorate.

Mr. Shaa’ban stressed that this dangerous, and unprecedented escalation of the occupation state's violations against Palestinian land aims at  eliminating  the political process and the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state, noting that the Palestinian issue is in dare need of  real international solidarity and support, stressing that the international community must elevate its positions to the level of the massacres committed against the Palestinians, their lives, lands and properties, given what we are witnessing of the systematic and unprecedented demolition of Palestinian facilities  in all places.

Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out that these flagrant terrorist attacks by the colonizers demonstrate the extent of the powers granted to them by the official Israeli government, and that the occupation "cabinet" issued its instructions to the colonizers to carry out these attacks. Mr. Shaa’ban added that the colonizers' attacks caused the uprooting of 970 trees, including 870 olive trees in the governorates of Hebron, Salfit and Nablus.

Confiscating 4,500 dunums, approving 20 master plans and establishing five new buffer zones

The monthly report issued by the CWRC indicated that the Israeli occupation authorities seized about 4,000 dunums of land in Jericho Governorate in order to amend the borders of “Wadi Darja” Nature Reserve alongside the Dead Sea. Furthermore, the Israeli government declared 441 dunums as “state lands” in the west of Ramallah, in particular in the villages of Deir Ammar, Deir Qadis and Shibtin, in order to expand the so-called “Nilli” and “Na’ali” colonies there.

 In addition, the Israeli occupation forces issued 11 seizure orders under military and security pretexts, through which it confiscated 62 dunums of citizens’ lands, 5 of which were aimed at establishing buffer zones around the so-called “Neve Nehemiah” colony which was established on the lands of Askaka in Salfit Governorate, the so-called “Itamar” colony on the lands of Awarta and Rojeeb in Nablus Governorate, the so-called “Rehalim” colony which was established on the lands of Al-Sawiya and Yitma in Nablus Governorate, the so-called “Homesh” colony which was established on the lands of Burqa village, and the so-called “Kfar Tapuah” colony which was established on the lands of Yasuf and Za’tara villages in Nablus Governorate. In the same context, the head of the CWRC explained that the Israeli occupation authorities proposed 54 master plans in July for the benefit of expanding the West Bank and Jerusalem colonies, and approved 20 of them, 1 in Jerusalem, while 19 plans are in the West Bank colonies.

The occupation authorities also deposited 33 plans, including one in Jerusalem and 32 in the West Bank colonies. Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out that these plans, in addition to their significant geopolitical impact, also resulted in “legalizing” 3 new colonial outposts in the Jordan Valley, Jericho and Hebron, and thus became "legal colonies" that enjoy full colonial privileges, in addition to 11 other outposts that have been under legalization since the beginning of the year.

135 Palestinian facilities were demolished and 16 others were notified of demolition

Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out that the Israeli occupation authorities carried out 98 demolition operations last July, affecting 135 facilities, including 62 inhabited facilities, 14 uninhabited facilities, and 12 agricultural facilities and others. These demolition operations were concentrated in the governorates of Hebron, Jerusalem, Tulkarm, Bethlehem and Nablus. It also notified the demolition of 16 facilities in the governorates of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Salfit, Tubas and Hebron.