September 18, 2024: Settlers severely beat a young man in the village of Khallet al-Daba’ in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, causing him injuries. Settlers, under the protection of occupation soldiers, severely beat the young man Muhammad Dababseh in the village of Khallet al-Daba’ in Masafer Yatta, causing him injuries and bruises.
He was subsequently transferred to the hospital for treatment by Red Crescent crews.
Details of the attack:
The attack took place in the Khallet al-Daba’ area in Masafer Yatta, where citizen Muhammad Badawi al-Daba’seh was grazing sheep on his land.
Armed settlers ambushed him (hiding behind trees) and attacked the citizen severely with five sticks and clubs, causing him injuries and bruises. He was transferred to the hospital for treatment.
The attacking settlers are residents of the Mitzpe Yair settlement, and before they attacked the citizen, they were taking shelter in the new settlement outpost, guarded by the occupation army. The outpost is located in the Tabqa area near Khallet al-Daba’, and was established about six months ago. It consists of a group of tents and a zinc house, on the road between Shaab al-Batm and Alfakhit in Masafer Yatta.