Ramallah, June 3, 2024: The head of the Colonization & Wall Resistance Commission (CWRC), Mu’ayyad Shaa’ban, declared that the Israeli occupation authorities and colonists carried out 1127 attacks during May 2024.He pointed out that the occupation forces carried out 906 attacks, while the colonizers carried out 221 attacks. Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out in the Commission’s monthly report on “violations of the Israeli occupation and colonizers in the occupied Palestine” that these violations were concentrated in Jerusalem Governorate, which witnessed 182 attacks, followed by Hebron Governorate, which witnessed 180 attacks, meanwhile, 179 attacks were recorded in Nablus Governorate.

He also confirmed that the occupying state does not only perpetrate these terrorist attacks against Palestinian citizens wherever they are, but rather it reinforces these attacks with a legislative environment, presented in the Knesset and the occupation cabinet. Many evidences prove that there is a kind of functional exchange between the army and the colonizers, the thing which is reflected in a number of decisions and legislation that strengthen the role of the colonizers and grant them more powers to seize land and to deprive the Palestinians from their rights.

221attacks were carried out by colonizers in May 2024:

Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out that the number of attacks that were carried out by colonizers was 221 attacks. These attacks were concentrated in Nablus Governorate which witnessed 75 attacks, followed by Bethlehem Governorate which witnessed 27 attacks, while 25 attacks were recorded in Hebron and Ramallah for each.

He added that cases of stealing citizens’ property by colonizers, especially those targeting livestock escalated in May.  That is, 44 sheep and cows were stolen in addition to camera recordings, an agricultural tractor, horses, a vehicle, a truck, 6 cases of stealing agricultural tools, and 5 cases of stealing agricultural crops.

New Buffer Zone Surrounding a Colony:

Mr. Shaa’ban revealed that the Israeli occupation forces seized 5.7 dunums from the villages of Nahalin and Al-Jabaa in Bethlehem Governorate, under pretext of an order for military and security purposes, which bore the number T/24/27.

Mr. Shaa’ban added that this military order is considered a new practical implementation of the buffer zones plan proposed by the extremist occupation finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich. Thus, the number of buffer zones established by the occupying state since the 7th of October until now raised to four areas. Mr. Shaa’ban indicated that this military order targets the lands surrounding the so-called Giv’at colony, which was established on the lands of Nahalin in Bethlehem Governorate.

8 Master plans were proposed in May 2024:

Mr. Shaa’ban pointed out that the planning authorities in the occupying state proposed 8 master plans for the colonies in the West Bank and Jerusalem. 3 plans were approved, two of which were in Jerusalem, while 5 other plans were deposited. These plans targeted 300 dunums of citizens’ land, most of which affected the lands surrounding the so-called Ma’ale Adumim colony, which is established on the lands of the Jerusalem Governorate.

Likewise, in May, an executive order had been issued in May by the Minister of Occupation Security allowing the colonists to return to the three evacuated colonies in the northern West Bank, “Kadim,” “Ghanim,” and “Sanur,” in an order similar to the one that was issued a year ago, which allowed the colonizers the return to the so-called Homesh colony.

Mr. Shaa’ban added that the occupying state disregards all international laws that criminalize colonization and criminalize the behavior of the occupying power. Furthermore, Shaa’ban confirmed that the Israeli government challenges the international position, which is represented in a series of recognition by several countries throughout world of the State of Palestine, through adopting recent decisions that promote colonization and aim to eliminate the Palestinian geography in a clear intention to thwart the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state in the future.

47 Demolition Operations Targeted 66 Facilities, and 29 Demolition Notifications

Mr. Sha’ban stated that the occupation authorities carried out 47 demolitions affected 66 facilities, including 35 inhabited facilities, 5 uninhabited facilities, 15 agricultural facilities, and others. These demolitions were concentrated in the governorates of Jerusalem, Hebron, and Bethlehem. Additionally, the occupation authorities issued a total of 29 demolition notifications for Palestinian facilities, these were concentrated in the governorates of Ramallah, Jericho, and Hebron.