Wednesday, March 01, 2023
Press release
The Colonization & Wall and Resistance Commission: 636 attacks were carried out by the Israeli Occupation and colonizers during the month of February
Ramallah 1-3-2023 - The CWRC said that the Israeli occupation authorities and colonizers carried out 636 attacks during the month of February, which varied between direct assault on citizens, vandalism, land bulldozing, tree uprooting, property confiscation, closures, checkpoints, and physical injuries. In its monthly report for February, "The Israeli Occupation’s Violations & Colonial Expansion Measures," it showed that these attacks concentrated in Nablus governorate with 253 attacks, followed by Jenin governorate with 114 attacks, then Ramallah governorate with 43 attacks.
Moayad Shaaban, head of the commission, said that the Israeli occupation government revealed its true face by sponsoring colonizers terrorism and providing protection for them during the recent wave of attacks carried out by colonizers militias in villages south of Nablus, specifically in the village of Hawara, this week, which left a martyr in the village of Za'tara, in addition to more than 260 injuries. In addition to the complete burning of an inhabited house, the partial burning of 9 houses, and the burning of two houses under construction, the wave of terrorist attacks also resulted in the burning of 27 legal cars, in addition to the burning of 1,200 cars inside 6 car junk yards completely in Hawara. This attack also led to the smashing of the windows of 36 houses and the destruction of 10 cars.
The commission indicated that the number of attacks carried out by colonizers amounted to 271, during which they attempted to establish 5 new colonial outposts in separate areas. These attacks concentrated this month in Nablus governorate, with 78 attacks.
The Commission said that in February, the Israeli occupation authorities issued 66 notices to demolish, halt construction, and evacuate Palestinian facilities, which varied between notices of demolition or halt of construction under the pretext of non-licensing and eviction under the pretext of military training. Most of which were concentrated in the governorates of Jenin with 31 notices and Salfit with 9 notices.
In its statement, the Commission stated that the Israeli occupation forces and colonizers had bulldozed more than 620 dunums of citizens' lands in the governorates of Salfit, Hebron, Nablus and Tulkarm, with the aim of controlling them and transferring them to the benefit of the colonizers. Shaaban indicated that the demolitions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces during the month of January amounted to 51 demolitions of 69 houses, commercial establishments and sources of livelihood, where these operations were concentrated in the governorates of Jerusalem and Nablus. He pointed out that the monthly report monitored the exposure of a total of 562 trees to damage and uprooting by colonizers, most of which were olive trees. These damages were concentrated in the governorates of Ramallah, with the uprooting of 174 trees, and Hebron governorate, with the uprooting of 170 trees.
Shaaban noted that the Israeli occupation authorities, in February, approved 23 new colonial plans, with the aim of conducting an expansion within existing colonies (according to the occupation claim), targeting 1,495 dunums of Palestinian lands, seeking to build 2,477 new colonial units. Also, 26 new colonial plans were depositedsubmitted for subsequent approval, targeting 3,915,362 dunums, and seeking to build 4,625 new colonial units.
Shaaban added that by approving these plans for the colonies, the Israeli occupying state has officially initiated the procedures for legitimizing and approving the ten colonial outposts which legalization has been talked about in the past weeks that aims to establish nine new colonial concentrated in the governorates of Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem and Salfit.
Shaaban said that the Israeli occupation authorities issued two expropriationconfiscation orders to confiscate a total of 391 dunums of citizens' lands in Jerusalem and Jericho governorates.
The first expropriation order targeted a total of 139 dunums of land in Jericho governorate in order to establish an archaeological site, while the second order targeted a total of 252 dunums of land in the village of Hizma in favor of wideningexpanding a street for the use of colonizers.